Experiencing the joy of God (Matthew 28:19)

Today’s Readings: Matthew 28:19

”Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,…”

I read an interesting observation by Tim Keller today that got me thinking. He noted that God, the Father, God, the Son, and God, the Holy Spirit, know perfect joy because they are in constant communication with each other.

ascensionI went back to this verse in Matthew as one of the pillars of our belief in a triune God, one God, manifest in three personalities, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Jesus, Himself, spoke to those gathered on the mountain at His ascension with what we now call the “great commission.” In it He says, “…baptize them in the name of the Father….”

Notice that Jesus did not use the plural when He said name. He used the singular. One God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Jesus often talked about joy and abundant life and the peace of God. As I thought about the three personalities of God separate, but one, it’s hard for me to understand. Theologians have tried to explain it in a lot of different ways, but none really come close to explaining how the triune Godhead really exists.

If we consider the Son of God, Jesus, communing with His Father, sharing all the activities and decisions of His earthly life. And sharing with His disciples all the things the Holy Spirit will do at His coming to dwell in us, not just with us, we can surmise the three personalities communed with each other throughout eternity. Each shared in perfect harmony as God, the Father, God, the Son, and God, the Holy Spirit before the first Christmas. Before the creation story. Even before time began.

So if God is the creator of joy and love and peace and harmony, if He is the perfecter of all things, then it stands to reason the Godhead enjoyed perfect happiness both before creation and after because of the intimate communion between the three personalities of the Godhead. He needs nothing else. He created all there is, but needs none of it. We need Him, but He does not need us. He knew perfect joy without us before creation. He knows perfect joy now. And shares His joy with us as we come to know Him.

So what does this have to do with prayer? Just that when we pray, we commune with God who knows and shares perfect peace. Perfect joy. Perfect comfort. God is perfect. There is nothing He cannot do. He cannot fail. When we tap into God, we tap into a power source beyond our imagination. We tap into everything good. We tap into the one entity beyond the bounds of time that truly understands real joy. He lives it and shares it. When He talks about the abundant life, He knows what He’s talking about. When He talks about joy, He understands the emotion better than we ever will.

Tap into God and know real joy!

Join me next time, won’t you?


John 1:1

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (NIV)

As promised, today I’m starting to walk through the book of John. Not as a deep, theological study with lots of Greek terms and heavy church speak, but just talking from my heart as I let God speak to me through his Word. So here we go…

A little background on the verse so you understand how it speaks to me, the Word refers to Jesus Christ. John was one of the twelve disciples and grew up in a Jewish culture. He also grew up under the rule of Rome in an occupied nation. He is speaking to the early Christians of his day, but his message is also to the unbelievers and has survived to us. That’s enough to start thinking about how the verse hit me.

In the beginning was the Word… Right from the start. Jesus was at creation. Whether you are a creationist, a big bang theorist, an evolutionist, or whatever, in the beginning was the Word. The Bible doesn’t tell us the scientific means by which God created, only that he created. And Jesus Christ was there. It’s comforting to me, to know that at my beginning, he was there. At the beginning of whatever problem I might be facing, he is there. At my highest joy or my deepest sorrow, he is there in the beginning was the Word. 

But not only was Christ there, he was with God. God is always described as Holy and only the holy are in his presence, but Christ was there. He was with God forming the worlds, forming the stars, separating light from darkness and water from earth. When I think about his power and majesty, I’m in awe. People don’t impress me much. I’ve been around the world and have had the privilege of meeting presidents and sheiks, princes and tribal chiefs. I’ve met celebrities, the rich and the poor, people who think they are heroes because they have trophies, and real heroes who risked and sometimes gave their life for others. Yet none compare to him. He was there…at the beginning. He was with God. Holy, Almighty, Eternal, Wise, Creator, Sustainer of Life.

And get this…and the Word was God. Don’t ask me how. I can’t wrap my finite mind around an infinite God to explain how the trinity works. The best I can offer is that I am a father, husband, and son all at the same time. Not three people, but one person with three functions. God is much more than that. He is the Triune God-head, Three-in-One. All present and active in the beginning and throughout all eternity without beginning or end; Father, Son (the Word), and Holy Spirit. How? Beats me. He just is. He is God. Some reading this will think I’m crazy, and that’s okay. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I only know what I know. God is real and he has demonstrated it over and over and over. John will show us in his gospel the evidence of this phrase often. The Word, Jesus Christ, my Savior and Friend, was and is and forever will be God.

Join me again next time, won’t you?
