A new format for Walk with Me

Today marks my 900th post to ”Walk with Me”. With the new year, I will start a new format that I hope will appeal to both you and new readers and listener to the post. Using a reading provided by the Process of Discipleship organization, I will continue to provide a daily devotional, but will change both how I present it and where you find it.

The reading plan comes in three versions that I will link to the specific scriptures for the day and your plan your ease in finding them. The three plans are describe on the first page of the plan here. In short, the three plans are:

Ready – A brief Bible reading (5 minutes or so daily)
Set – A more extensive reading (10-15 minutes daily)
Go – A daily reading that will take you through the entire Bible in a year,
including twice through the New Testament (30-40 minutes daily)

Beginning January 1st, 2015, I will make the devotional available as a podcast you can listen to as you drive down the highway, fix lunch, do the dishes, or just meditate on the short message I bring you that day. The message will come from the readings in the Ready plan also part of the readings in the Set and Go plans. And will make the verses of the short Ready plan part of the podcast.

I’ve also been inspired by a couple of devotional books over the last couple of years that have cause me to consider an new format for writing this year. Sarah Young’s “Jesus Calling”, written in first person as if God speaks directly to us touched my life. Other devotional authors have done the same. As I’ve stopped more often to just listen to God’s voice in my devotions and meditation, I’ve learned so much more about God’s love for us and His plans for my life.

This year, I will attempt to share the thoughts God shares with me from the daily readings as verbalized by God. I thank authors like Sarah Young, the authors of “God Calling,” and others. Their perspective led me to wonder how I might share His insights to others in the same manner and so beginning in January I will attempt to share some of the thoughts God shares with me in first person as if from Him.

I will also provide short notes from the podcast for those who prefer to read notes instead of listen.

You will have the opportunity to subscribe to the devotional through iTunes podcasts, or as an RSS feed. It will be necessary for me to move from WordPress.com to a self-hosted sight, however, so I ask must ask you to re-subscribe if you joined me through WordPress.com.

Join me next time, won’t you? I’ll be at http://alittlewalkwithgod.com


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