Death Sentence (John 19:16)

Today’s Readings: John 19:1-16

Pilate handed Him over to his soldiers, knowing that He would be crucified.

In Texas we sometimes get flash floods. Much of the country doesn’t understand what a flash flood can do to you, so when we get a transplant from another state into the heart of Texas, they will sometimes ignore the flash flood warnings and do something really stupid. They go around the barriers and try to cross the road they’ve been using to get home. One big problem though. The road has a few inches of water moving across it.

From other parts of the country, a few inches of water doesn’t sound like much. Those few inches traveling at flash flood speeds can do a lot of damage quickly. Consider that a gallon of water weighs about six pounds. That water moves across the road at hundreds of thousands of gallons per hours in a flash flood. Yes, it does flow around obstacles to some degree, but the force behind that water still transmits a tremendous amount of power.

© Miroslav Beneda/

© Miroslav Beneda/

Consequently, the newbies to Texas floods who foolishly cross the warning signs find themselves in serious trouble, sometimes swept away by the three inches of water rushing across the road. Suddenly they look around for any escape before their car sinks into the torrential flow of what used to be an empty creek bed. These folks show up on the evening news after rescues by the fire department from the top of their car or clinging to a tree branch. Sometimes it’s worse and we get the report of lost lives because of crossing the barrier.

I use that story to illustrate what can happen when we blindly go with the flow. Pilate knew Jesus committed no crimes deserving death. He pleaded with Jesus to defend Himself so he could set Him free. Pilate went to the crowd several times to get them to  their minds about this innocent man, but finally allowed them to persuade him to turn Jesus over to his soldiers for crucifixion. Like the newbies to our Texas flash floods, Pilate disregarded all the warning signs and went with the flood of voices that said, “Crucify Him!”

Sometimes it takes courage to stand against the crowd and do what’s right, but in the end the rewards are great. Paul tells us the trials and tribulations we face today are nothing compared to the glories we will inherit. We just need to hang on and trust God to see us through the temporary ills of this world. Keep your hand in His and stand.

Flash floods can come on unexpectedly, but usually warning signs are visible if we look for them. The torrent of water moving across the road starts with a little trickle. We then start seeing signs everywhere around here that tell us not to cross water covered roads. It’s a catchy little phrase they use that most folks adhere to – “Don’t drown, go around!” Here most know that means go around the water, not around the barrier! Still there are those few that think they’re smarter than the Texans who have lived here all their lives and try their luck. Don’t get swept away in the flood. Listen to the warnings, both for flash floods and God’s warnings of evil about to erupt around you. He’ll keep you safe from harm.

Join me next time, won’t you?
