Where do you pray? (Matthew 6:5-6)

Today’s Readings: Matthew 6:5-6

“And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

loveheartsHow well do you think it would go with your spouse if you shared your most intimate secrets in public? Or maybe you don’t share intimate secrets, but while courting her you make sure everyone around you hears every sweet nothing you shout into her ear. Sound like a good idea? Have you every watched those uncomfortable conversations in restaurants? The ones where you know something not so good is being shared and the recipient is looking around to see if anyone can hear? Wishing they could pull a cone of silence around them to make sure?

Loving relationships aren’t built through public conversations. If the only time I told my wife I told her I loved her was when we were sitting at a restaurant for all to hear or when I’m standing at a pulpit sharing with a congregation or shouting it from a street corner, she might begin to wonder if I really do.

That’s about the way God feels about our prayer life. If the only time we talk to Him is when others can hear us, what does that say about our relationship with Him? Are we talking to Him or trying to impress others? Just as my relationship is built by quiet conversations alone with my wife, so my relationship with God is built by quiet conversations alone with Him. He’s not interested in how we talk with Him when others are around, He’s interested in how we talk with Him alone.

What do you share when there is no one else around? Do you laugh with Him? Do you share the joys and excitement of life? Do you thank Him for the good things that happen each day? Do you give Him credit when He intervenes for you? Or do you only go to Him with your problems? Do you only go to Him to complain and ask for favors? God wants to hear it all, but as in all relationships, if all He hears is our complaints and requests, don’t you think He gets a one-sided view? Don’t you think He gets a little tired of hearing nothing but bad stuff from us?

Relationships take time to build and they take mutual admiration from both parties. We know God admires us because He made us in His image and loves us enough to give His Son for our salvation. The question is how will He know we love and admire Him if we only complain or ask Him for His miracles? Don’t we need to share our love in conversation with Him in prayer?

Join me next time, won’t you?
