Above Animal Instincts (Jude 1:10-11)

Today’s Readings: Nehemiah 7-9; Jude

The deceivers among you despise what they do not understand; they live without reason like animals, reacting only with primal instincts; and their ways are corrupting them. 1 Woe to these deceivers! They are doomed! They have followed in the footsteps of their father Cain, sold their souls for profit into Balaam’s deceit, and suffered the devastation of Korah’s rebellion. – The Voice

Jude talks about the deceivers of his day, but could just as easily be talking about many of the religious organizations today. We have come to the place in our society that almost anything goes. Do what you want. If it feels good do it. Every man for himself. Step on anyone, anywhere, anytime to get ahead. The boy with the most toys wins.

We are deceived on every hand. Unfortunately, too many follow these deceivers because it requires no discipline, It takes no effort. It promotes self over God. It takes us away from the true meaning of life. It satisfies base pleasures instead of the higher order of man for which we were created.

I get tired of people saying their actions reflect our animal instincts. God didn’t create us to be like other animals. He gave us dominion over the whole earth and everything in it because He made us in His image. What does that mean in light of Jude’s words? It means we act instead of react. It means we use our brain and rise above the primal instincts of the creatures around us. It means we obey God and understand that His ways advance us personally and civilization as a whole. It means we are better than the animals around us.

Does that mean we don’t care for the world around us and arrogantly abuse the environment and everything in it? Absolutely not! God gave us this world and commanded us to care for it from the beginning of man. His intent is for us to take care of it, but in caring for the earth and everything in it, we must also remember that we are a higher order. God breathed into man and he became a living soul. That makes us different. That makes us unique in His creation. It gives us rights and privileges, but also gives us responsibilities commensurate with those rights.

Whenever you hear someone begin a conversation with “animals have the same rights as people or are just as important as people,” remember Jude’s words. These are deceivers and do not understand. We care for creation, but we are God’s special creation. Made and formed in His image. Don’t let the talk of animal instincts in man corrupt you and lead you away from the truth of God’s word.

Join me next time, won’t  you?
